Untouchable comedy biography: real name, age, state of origin, house in enugu & net worth

Untouchable comedy biography

Chibuike Gabriel Ugwu, widely known as Untouchable Comedy, stands out as a renowned Nigerian comedian and actor, born on July 8, 1995. His comedic prowess extends to being a skilled prankster, delighting fans with engaging pranks that particularly involve young people, sparking laughter and joy. Originally from Enugu State, Nigeria, Untouchable Comedy has made a significant mark in the world of comedy.

Born into the Ugwu family of Enugu State to Mr. and Mrs. Ugwu, Untouchable Comedy is the youngest among his siblings, including two elder sisters, an elder brother, and a twin brother.


His educational journey took root in Enugu State, where he completed his primary and secondary schooling. Moving forward, Untouchable pursued higher education at Enugu State University, graduating in January 2022.


Untouchable Comedy embarked on his comedic journey in 2017, starting modestly with a humble pay rate. Over the years, he has evolved into one of Nigeria’s most beloved internet comedians, earning recognition for his high levels of engagement. His dedication to the craft and versatility in navigating diverse situations have contributed to his success.

With a comedic style centered on humorously addressing societal, economic, and political challenges, Untouchable captivates his audience with accessible and amusing content. Notably, he often takes on the persona of a local doctor in his videos, enhancing the comedic character.

Untouchable comedy house

Untouchable comedy net worth

Untouchable Comedy, a rising star in the comedy and prank scene, has an estimated net worth of about $300,000.

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