Pelumi Olajengbesi biography: wiki, age, state of origin, occupation & net worth

Pelumi Olajengbesi biography

Pelumi Jacob Olajengbesi is an Abuja-based Nigerian lawyer, columnist, human rights activist, andPelumi Olajengbesi arbitrator. Born on August 12, 1986, in Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria.

He attended Manuwa Memorial Grammar School Iju-Odo and Holy Flocks of Christ Secondary School, Ondo State. He obtained a National Certificate in Education from the College of Education in Ikere, Ekiti State, before earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Abuja.

In 2016, Pelumi Olajengbesi was called to the Nigerian Bar and founded LAW Corridor in 2017, focusing on Public Interests law. He began his legal career under the mentorship of Dr. Kayode Ajulo and later founded Pelumi Olajengbesi & Co. He contested for political positions, including Oriade/Obokun Federal Constituency, and remains active as a public commentator and columnist.

Known as a human rights activist, Olajengbesi represented Yoruba Nation Activists and Chief Sunday Adeyemo (Sunday Igboho) in 2021, securing the release of activists arrested by the Nigerian government on trial for terrorism. He is also involved in various human rights issues, including gender-based violence and loan shark debts.

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