Marie wiseborn biography: age, moses bliss wife name, state of origin & net worth

Marie wiseborn biography

Marie Wiseborn, born on August 20, 1999, is a Ghanaian woman and a legal practitioner based in the UK. She and Gospel singer Moses Bliss connected on Instagram, leading to a profound connection. With a law degree from the University of London, Marie has built a reputation for her fairness and dedication to justice.

Beyond her legal career, Marie Wiseborn is recognized for her musical talents. Her songs, often intertwined with her faith, serve as a source of inspiration and solace. Her melodies reflect a journey of hope and encouragement.

Marie wiseborn husband

Engaged to Gospel singer Moses Bliss, their love story has captured hearts. Their shared faith and enduring love are evident in their commitment to each other. Moses Bliss proposed to Marie, expressing his joy to spend the rest of his life with her. The couple, thrilled about their engagement, hasn’t shared specific wedding details yet.

Net worth

Marie wiseborn is a legal practitioner, currently her new worth is not yet estimated. Please check back for update on this page.

Watch moses bliss proposal video to marie wisebron

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