Jamila bio ibrahim biography: age, education, tribe, state of origin, husband, father & net worth

Jamila bio ibrahim biography

Jamila Bio Ibrahim, born on February 7, 1986, is not only a Nigerian medical doctor but also a politician and development expert. In September 2023, she was appointed as the Minister for Youths and Sports by President Tinubu.

Holding a medical degree (MBBS), Jamila is the first daughter of Ibrahim Isa Bio. Her father, a seasoned politician and former Member of the Federal House of Representatives, served two terms as the Speaker of the Kwara State House of Assembly.

He held prestigious positions, including Minister of Sports during former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s administration and Minister of Transportation under Umaru Musa Yar Adua’s regime.

As of 2023, Dr. Jamila Bio Ibrahim is currently single and unmarried.

Net worth

Jamila bio ibrahim‘s net worth is not yet estimated.

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