Jahi di’allo winston gay, biography, Age, Family, phone number, net worth

Meet Jahi Di Allo Winston, the talented male actor hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, who has been captivating audiences with his compelling performances on both the big and small screens. Born on November 30, 2003, under the Sagittarius zodiac sign, Jahi has quickly become a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, making a name for himself through his roles in acclaimed movies and TV series.

Jahi Di Allo Early Life and Background:

Jahi, also known by the nickname “J A H I,” comes from a close-knit family in Atlanta. His father, Darryl Winston, and his mother, Juakena Winston, have been supportive pillars in his journey to stardom. Jahi has two siblings, an elder brother named Jelani Winston and an elder sister named Sekayi Winston.

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Jahi Di Allo Career Highlights:

Jahi Di Allo Winston made his debut in the world of acting with the TV series “Feed the Beast” in 2016, where he portrayed the character Andre. His breakthrough in the film industry came with “The Upside” in 2017, where he played the role of Anthony. Since then, Jahi has graced the screen with his talent in various projects, earning critical acclaim for his performances.

Notable Works:

One of Jahi’s standout roles is in the 2019 film “Queen & Slim,” where he showcased his versatility as an actor. However, it was his portrayal of Mouse in “Charm City Kings” (2020) that truly garnered attention. In this coming-of-age drama, Jahi takes on the character of a 14-year-old boy navigating the dangerous world of Baltimore dirt-bike riders.

Recognition and Awards:

Jahi Di Allo Winston’s talent has not gone unnoticed. He has received nomination awards multiple times and has been honored as a Gen Z Hollywood Style Icon. These accolades reflect not only his acting prowess but also his influence on the fashion scene.

Latest Endeavors:

Adding to his impressive filmography, Jahi recently played the role of Kevin Presley in the 2023 film “We Have a Ghost,” sharing the screen with seasoned actors such as Anthony Mackie and David Harbour.

Jahi Di Allo Education and Personal Life:


Jahi Winston’s dedication to his craft is evident, but it’s essential to note that he prioritizes education. His educational journey includes completing his schooling, emphasizing a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.


In a relatively short period, Jahi Di Allo Winston has carved a niche for himself in the competitive world of Hollywood. His commitment to his roles, coupled with his natural talent, has solidified him as a rising star to watch. As he continues to take on diverse projects and make his mark in the industry, Jahi’s journey promises to be one of continued success and influence.

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