Hauser cello biography: full name, wife, mother, date of birth, age, & Net worth

Hauser cello biography

Stjepan Hauser, known professionally as HAUSER, is a Croatian cellist born on June 15, 1986. Originating from Pula, Croatia, he comes from a musical family and commenced his musical education there.


Hauser’s journey led him through various educational institutions, including studying with Natalia Pavlutskaya at Trinity College of Music in London and completing postgraduate studies with Ralph Kirshbaum at RNCM in Manchester and Bernard Greenhouse in the USA.


As a cellist, Hauser has graced stages worldwide, performing in prestigious venues like Wigmore Hall, Royal Albert Hall, and Amsterdam Concertgebouw. His musical adventures have taken him to over 40 countries, showcasing his talent and earning him recognition.

In 2006, Hauser was selected to perform at the gala in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, dedicated to Mstislav Rostropovich. This marked the beginning of numerous festival appearances across Europe. Notably, he played the Kol Nidre with the Metropolitan Sinfonia at a Gala Tribute Concert for Rostropovich in December 2007.

Hauser’s solo endeavors include recording British composer Christopher Ball’s First Concerto for Cello, released on the album “Christopher Ball: Music for Cello.” In 2009, he launched his YouTube channel, gaining over 680 million views by September 2022.

His 2020 album, “Hauser Classic,” where he collaborated with the London Symphony Orchestra, showcased his versatility. The COVID-19 quarantine prompted Hauser to release live-streamed performances, titled “Hauser: Alone Together,” from distinctive locations, including Arena Pula, Krka National Park, and Fort Lovrijenac in Dubrovnik.

Continuing his musical journey, Hauser premiered “Hauser plays Morricone” on YouTube in October 2020, adding another chapter to his illustrious career.

Hauser cello’s Net worth

Hauser cello‘s net worth is estimated to be $3 million.

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