Grace Taiga biography: state of origin,height, Age, Family, phone number, net worth,

In a recent twist to the infamous Process and Industrial Development Limited (P&ID) scandal, Mrs. Grace Taiga, the ex-Director of Legal Services in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, has taken center stage in an alleged fraud case. The proceedings unfolded before Justice O.A Adeniyi of the Federal Capital Territory High Court in Abuja, where the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) presented its fourth prosecution witness.

Unexpected Turn of Events:
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Shockwaves rippled through the legal community when news broke in September 2023 of Mrs. Grace Taiga’s untimely demise, attributed to kidney disease. The upcoming burial ceremony, scheduled for December in Delta State, adds another layer of intrigue to the unfolding saga. Taiga, having served in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources and the defense sector, retired on September 1, 2010, leaving behind a legacy that now takes a darker turn in the annals of Nigerian legal history.

London Court Ruling:

Mrs. Taiga’s name became synonymous with the P&ID scandal, gaining prominence in the ruling of a London court. The pivotal moment came when a judge, Knowles, nullified an astounding $11 billion award against Nigeria in the case brought by P&ID. The judge’s determination was unequivocal – the award had been secured through fraudulent means, and the proceedings violated public policy.

Legal Repercussions:

The legal fallout from the P&ID scandal has been far-reaching, with implications for Nigeria’s reputation and financial stability. The London court’s decision to annul the multi-billion dollar award has underscored the need for transparency and ethical conduct in international business dealings.

Mrs. Taiga’s Role:

As the ex-Director of Legal Services in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Taiga found herself entangled in the web of allegations surrounding P&ID. Her role in the proceedings and the subsequent revelations have cast a shadow over her career, leaving a complex legacy that will be closely scrutinized in the years to come.


The P&ID scandal, with Mrs. Grace Taiga at its epicenter, continues to unfold with unexpected twists and turns. The recent passing of Mrs. Taiga adds a somber note to an already convoluted narrative. As legal proceedings progress, the impact of the London court’s ruling and the implications for Nigeria’s standing on the global stage remain subjects of keen interest. The unfolding story serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ethical conduct in international business and the far-reaching consequences of fraudulent practices.

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