90s singer Linda ronstadt biography: life story, age, songs, books, husband, children & net worth

Linda ronstadt biography

Linda Maria Ronstadt, born on July 15, 1946, is an American singer renowned for her versatile performances across rock, country, light opera, the Great American Songbook, and Latin music.


Hailing from Tucson, Arizona, Linda was the third child of Gilbert Ronstadt, a prosperous machinery merchant, and Ruth Mary Ronstadt, a homemaker. Growing up on a ranch alongside her siblings, she had a Roman Catholic upbringing and gained early recognition when her family was featured in Family Circle magazine in 1953.

Linda Ronstadt embarked on her professional journey in the mid-1960s, becoming a leading figure in California’s emerging folk rock and country rock scenes. Initially part of the folk-rock trio, the Stone Poneys, she later pursued a solo career. Her 1969 release, “Hand Sown … Home Grown,” is noted as the first alternative country record by a female artist.

In the 1970s, Ronstadt soared to fame with chart-topping albums like “Heart Like a Wheel” and “Simple Dreams,” earning the distinction of being the first female “arena class” rock star. Recognized as the “First Lady of Rock” and the “Queen of Rock,” she became a top-grossing concert artist of the decade. Her rock-and-roll image and musical prowess were celebrated, with multiple appearances on the covers of Rolling Stone, Newsweek, and Time.

The 1980s witnessed Ronstadt’s diversification, including Broadway performances, a Tony nomination for “The Pirates of Penzance,” collaborations with Philip Glass and Nelson Riddle, and acclaimed albums like “Mad Love” and “Canciones de Mi Padre.” Her multi-platinum-selling records, such as “What’s New” and “Cry Like a Rainstorm, Howl Like the Wind,” continued to solidify her status as a music industry icon.

Having sold over 100 million records worldwide and setting records as one of the top-grossing concert performers, Linda Ronstadt stands as one of the most successful female recording artists in U.S. history. Her impact on women in rock and roll, advocacy for songwriters and musicians, and role in various musical movements mark her as a trailblazer in the industry. Ronstadt’s illustrious career persisted until her retirement in 2011, leaving an enduring legacy.

Linda ronstadt husband & children

In the early 1970s, Linda Ronstadt briefly dated fellow musician J. D. Souther, who co-produced her album “Don’t Cry Now.” However, her private life became increasingly public starting in the mid-1970s. She was romantically involved with then-Governor of California Jerry Brown, a Democratic presidential candidate. Their relationship garnered widespread attention, featuring on the cover of Newsweek in April 1979 and also gracing the covers of Us Weekly and People magazine.

In 1983, Ronstadt had an eight-month relationship with comedian Jim Carrey. Later, from the end of 1983 to 1988, she was engaged to George Lucas, the director and creator of Star Wars.

In December 1990, Ronstadt expanded her family by adopting an infant daughter, Mary Clementine Ronstadt. Four years later, in 1994, she adopted a baby boy named Carlos Ronstadt. Despite these family additions, Ronstadt has never married. Speaking about the challenges of finding the right partner, she once remarked in a 1974 interview with Peter Knobler in Crawdaddy, “… he’s real kind but isn’t inspired musically, and then you meet somebody else that’s just so inspired musically that he just takes your breath away, but he’s such a moron, such a maniac that you can’t get along with him. And then after that, it’s the problem of finding someone that can stand you!”


  • Simple Dreams: A Musical Memoir (First Simon & Schuster hardcover ed.). 2013
  • Feels Like Home: A Song for the Sonoran Borderlands. 2022

Linda ronstadt net worth

Linda Ronstadt is an American pop singer who has a net worth of $130 million.

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